The Association “EuropAgora is a space for meeting and reflecting for a social Europe”. In 2005, after several years of maturation, Europagora was established in Como (Italy) by a group of trade unionists and former trade unionists from several European countries. In our globalized world, the founder members are convinced that only the development of social Europe, for a true Europe of people, is able to guarantee social cohesion, solidarity and a chance for peace.
EuropAgora wishes to promote a European society inspired by fundamental values such as liberty, equality and solidarity.
EuropAgora’s vocation is to be a civic movement of prospective analysis, and thus, a think tank contributing to and actively involved in the emergence of a European civil society.
EuropAgora unites individuals through their own personal sensitivities and experiences. It is a network of actors aiming at true European citizenship. Any person from the EU who shares the Association’s aims can be a Member.
EuropAgora wishes to contribute to this development, facilitating exchanges and experiences through a website, organizing meetings, discussions and symposiums. It invites experts from the associative, union, political or intellectual spheres for debates, forums, conferences, aiming at
- reaching a better knowledge of cultures and social behaviours
- debating common questions in order to share overviews and develop prospective synergies.
EuropAgrora examines societal as well as civilisation topics – from ethical responsibility and solidarity to the impact of new technologies for instance -, from everything that could contribute to bringing Europeans closer to one another, to the development of social Europe.
EuropAgora is an independent association, financing its activities through members contributions and legal aids only. It has no link with any political party. Its purpose is not to take, in any way, the essential role played by national or European trade unions.
EuropAgora wishes to contribute to set in motion a social Europe and a Europe of citizens, with particular attention paid to fighting social exclusion. The association will support all national and European actions heading in the same way.
Its vocation is also to inform citizens.
EuropAgora’s ambition is to mobilize citizens on options for social transformation to create in Europe a stronger, fairer and more open society in a more fraternal world.
“For a society of proud and free Men”
“Walking along, there is no walk, You find your walk, walking”
“Man is born to do two things, to think and to act”
“Unity is strength”