Right2Water : Award of the Best Campaign !

The European Democratic Citizenship Awards will celebrate civic engagement and reward every year civil society initiatives and actors which give real substance to democratic citizenship, bring about social innovation and positive change in the life of the local, regional, national or European communities. Form today till 25 April you can vote here: http://www.civic-forum.fr/site/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=294:campagne-de lannee&catid=1:presentation&lang=fr&Itemid= We hope you…

ECI Right2Water

(Press release 19 March 2014) The European Commission (EC) published a Communication today that gives its official response to the first successful European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) which called on the EC “to implement the human right to water and sanitation in European law.” In the Communication, the European Commission does recall the importance of the…